Dealing with public law legal affairs is one of our office’s key priorities. Particularly due to the identity of a significant part of our clients who invest and operate in this field, either as individuals or legal entities, we are often called to handle such legal cases. Our law office’s efficiency in carrying out these cases is guaranteed thanks to our specialized partners, who have accomplished post-graduate studies and participated in various scientific conferences. Due to our constant code of ethics and our strict organization we handle every case with convenience and certainty. Furthermore, adapting our legal research with consciousness to the uniqueness of each legal affair and pleading dynamically in court, we manage to delight great rates of success.
- Illegal Construction
As illegal construction constitutes a problem of major importance for Greece, such case law has been recently enriched. A striking example of this inevitable situation is law n. 4014/2011, which has been recently cancelled by the Legal Council of State. The law mentioned above, failed to take into consideration the environmental balance and the different aspects of the infringements. At the time being, Greek government is intending to fill the unconstitutional gaps that have been created and accelerate the “regulative procedures” issuing a new bill. Regarding this field our office supports the protection of human rights by taking proper legal action against the State.
- Environmental Licensing
As far as the licensing of important projects is concerned, the estimation of the environmental consequences of such projects’ implementation is imperative. The constitutional principle of sustainable development, as well as the principles of prevention and precaution that are strongly depicted in the national case law, aim to impose the limits and restrictions in balance to the different economic and environmental interests. When it comes to our responsibility, we work hard for the most sustainable solution between the different interests which are due.
- Public works, supplies and services
The legal aspects of this branch of law are highly important, not only in the national but also in the european market. It is estimated that the european governances spend, on average, 18% of their GNP in the purchase of works, supplies and services. The European directives 17, 18/2004/EC coordinate the procedure of concluding those contracts and regulate the competition. The greek legislation is principally harmonized through the P.D.60/2007 and other posterior and subsequent regulations. Due to the significance of this kind of contracts, the legislation and, even more, the national and european case law evolves in a quick rate. In order to protect our clients’ interests, our law firm aims at the correct and certain interpretation and application of the aforementioned rules.
- Town-planning expropriation
The protection of the citizen’s rights and the award of the highest compensation by the administration constitute our key priority in this crucial legal affair.
- Public tenders
Most public tenders litigations relate to the technical specifications. More specifically, instead of the illegal “photographic” references to an exclusive product or a beneficiary, the public tenders must be specified by objective criteria. A significant part of the case law has also been created by litigations for the participants’ rights, for the procedure of submitting the candidature and for the deadlines of participation. In fact, the proclamation of the public tender must be clear and thorough in order to be valid. Furthermore, the kind and category of the public tender, the award’s criteria, its objective, the time and place of accomplishing the contract, the currency of the offering price etc must also be clear.
Our eliginble legal team is capable of providing you with information and assistance for the protection of your rights using the specific knowlegde which have been acquired after post-graduate studies and specific conferences.